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Regional/State Resources



AID in PA is a resource collection for Pennsylvanians in the autism and intellectual disability communities.

A joint effort between ASERT (Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training) and the statewide HCQUs (Health Care Quality Units), the site is designed to connect individuals with disabilities, families, professionals, and community members with resources that can best serve them in different situations.



COMPASS is an online tool for Pennsylvanians to apply for many health and human service programs and manage benefit information. 


Department of Mental Health/Developmental Programs - Bucks County

Responsible for the administration of services to Bucks County residents with a mental illness or developmental program services, and their families. The purpose of the services is to support individuals to live in the community and to assist them in actively participating in community life.


“ACHIEVA, formerly Arc Allegheny, is western Pennsylvania’s largest provider of comprehensive services and supports for children and adults with disabilities and their families.


The Arc of Pennsylvania
“The Arc is the largest advocacy organization in the United States for citizens with cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities, and their families. The Arc of Pennsylvania is the state chapter of The Arc. The Arc’s mission is to work to include all children and adults with cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities in every community. We promote active citizenship and inclusion in every community.” Find you local chapter at:,



Are you looking for reliable, up-to-date information about resources in the Philadelphia area for children and families? You’ve come to the right place! Cap4Kids will help you find many community agencies that exist to improve or enhance the lives of children, teens and families.


PA Elks Home Service Program

Services provided by a Nurse or Service Coordinator to PA residents in their home environment without discrimination at no charge.  Services include: ​Provide in-home service coordination services; Advocate for an individual’s legal and human rights; Provide information regarding resources and services available; Assess needs and help to access equipment; Advocate for appropriate educational services; Assist with finding activities within the community; Offer instruction regarding home care; Provide emotional support; Help with vocational goals; Assist with residential options; Provide referrals to appropriate agencies in the community; Interpret clinical findings and act as a liaison between health care providers


PEAL Center

The PEAL Center is Pennsylvania’s parent training and information center serving Western and Central Pennsylvania. The mission of the PEAL Center is to ensure that children, youth, and adults with disabilities lead rich, active lives and participate as full members of their schools and communities by providing training, information, and technical assistance based on best practices to individuals, families and all people who support them.



TechOWL PA is Pennsylvania's Assistive Technology Act (AT Act) program. The AT Act of 2004 specifies the statewide activities required of programs receiving funds under Section 4 of the AT Act. These include four “state level” activities designed to help people with disabilities, their families, service providers and others access and acquire assistive technology devices.  Provided through Institue on Disabilities at Temple University.


Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania

Links families and friends of children with special needs, provides technical assistance, training


Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation 

PATF is a statewide, non-profit organization that helps individuals with disabilities and older Pennsylvanians acquire the assistive technology devices and services they want


Mental Health Partnerships
A statewide organization that assists parents or caregivers of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders. 

Provides information, helps parents find services and will advocate on their behalf with any of the public systems that serve children. These include the mental health system, education, and other state and local child-serving agencies.


Small World Special Needs

A multi-cultural resource hub for people helping children with special needs to share resources and information. This site is for families, educators, clinicians, therapists and friends in Philadelphia PA, USA and beyond.  Our purpose is to make it easy for others to find out how to help a child with special needs to learn how to do things that will improve their quality of life. This is a non-profit resource that promotes evidence-based information.

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